Power Distribution Protection
Smart protection against Arc Flashes
The Zyggot Arc Protects electrical systems and components because detects arc flash through intelligent network sensors that detect UV radiation. This radiation exists in any electric arc, in its initial moments, and even before visible light (a phase already associated with air expansion and overheating). It can be applied in low, medium high voltage electrical panels and external aplications. It can be applied in low, medium high voltage electrical panels and external aplications.
Arc Flash Sensor
Smart protection against Arc Flashes
Zyggot Temperature is an Online Thermography system and predictive maintenance tool that was developed for low and medium voltage panels or other critical applications with critical electrical connections. The sensors measure the temperature continuously, without physical contact, by infrared detection. Each sensor measures two temperature levels: from the target and from the air surrounding the sensor, allowing detection of flaws in unmeasured points, by indirect heating. The relays provide local protection and also through the supervisory system. Alarm and trip levels are freely programmable for each point. An eventual failure in one of the sensors does not interrupt the operation of the other sensors.